Friday, September 19, 2008

Almost useless info.

To nights site comes from the makes of this one is called Yes thats right information you would almost never need to know except on some messed up game show. Here is just a few inserts taken from the Education tab:

Gene Simmons, of the shock-rock group Kiss, earned a B.A. in education and speaks four languages.

The New York Board of Education barred the whipping of children in its schools on March 4, 1908.

During the Stalin era, education in Russia was stressed. As a result, a majority of Russian women and men are very intelligent and hold degrees. In fact, Russia’s literacy rate is about 98 percent.

Some of these are funny and all of the are odd. So this falls in perfectly to my odd department for Interandom. Check out this odd site at you will thank me and them when you land on one of those game shows and you know the answer.

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