Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Been a really long time

Sorry for not posting in a long time but I have some free time for a change and will try to make up for it by posting a lot of new things. To day though I happen to find a story on Yahoo News. They have a odd new section and it has some pretty odd things on it like the name suggest. To day I found a good one that is kind of funny about a man and his greeting card. The original story can be found here on Yahoo's odd news section.

"Elderly man mistakes card for noisy neighbors

BERLIN – German police said an elderly man was so annoyed at hearing the same serenade over and over that he called authorities to report his neighbors — only to discover the culprit was a musical greeting card on his own windowsill. Police said Tuesday the 82-year-old from Goslar in central Germany told officers he was sick of the music, which would come at irregular intervals and at all hours.

Upon further investigation, police found the musical greeting card on his windowsill, where occasional breezes opened the card just enough to play an irritating tune.

Police said the retiree was happy to find out his neighbors weren't trying to annoy him."

Those greeting cards are nice but I think he needs to get a different kind of present next year.

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